;;; Grind GNU Emacs DOC file into LaTeX input ;;; Copyright (C) 1987 Kyle E. Jones, Tor Lillqvist

;;; This file may be redistributed provided the above copyright ;;; notice appears on all copies and that the further free redistribution ;;; of this file is not in any way restricted by those who ;;; redistribute it.

;;; Based on Kyle E. Jones's grind-DOC package.

;;; This software is distributed 'as is', without warranties of any kind.

;;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

;;; The document that is the output from the (LaTeXify-DOC) function is ;;; part of GNU Emacs.

(defvar LaTeXify-DOC-style "report" "*Should be bound to a string indicating what LaTeX document style should be used to format the DOC file. If this variable is set to nil the report style will be used.")

(defvar LaTeXify-DOC-style-options "" "*A string containing a list of document style options for LaTeX")

(defun LaTeXify-DOC () (interactive) "Reads the etc/DOC-xx.xx.x file into a buffer and converts it to a form suitable as LaTeX input." ; ; Make sure we can deal with the macro package and the point size. ; (cond ((not (stringp LaTeXify-DOC-style)) (error "LaTeXify-DOC-style must be a string"))) ; ; Select the DOC file. ; (find-file (expand-file-name (if (fboundp 'dump-emacs) (concat "DOC-" emacs-version) "DOC") exec-directory)) (setq buffer-read-only nil) (auto-save-mode 0) (set-visited-file-name (concat (buffer-file-name) ".tex")) (delete-other-windows) ; ; Save-excursion just in case the DOC file was already selected. ; (save-excursion (let (case-fold-search mode-line-format varstart-point bufstring name odot) ; ; The first thing we must do is convert the

COMMAND]sequences;intothekeysthattheCOMMANDsareboundto.;(setqmode - line - format"GrindingtheDOCfile...bepatient.")(sit - for0)(replace - regexp"

& ]]egroup")(setqbufstring(substitute - command - keys(buffer - string)))(erase - buffer)(insertbufstring);;HerewemakeeachdocstringbeginandendwithC - for;easiermanipulation.Thisisundonelater.;(goto - char(1 + (point - min)))(replace - string"$\displaystyle \C$ - ""$\displaystyle \C$ - $\scriptstyle \C$ - "nil )(goto - char(point - max))(insert"$\displaystyle \C$ - ");;Sortthedocstrings.Thisimplicitlyseparatesfunction;documentationfromthevariabledocumentation.;(sort - regexp - fieldsnil"$\displaystyle \C$ -
)[$\scriptstyle \C$ - ]*$\displaystyle \C$ - ""
1"(point - min)(point - max));;HandleTeXspecialcharacters;(goto - char(point - min))(mapcar'(lambda(x)(save - excursion(evalx)))'((replace - string"#""]]#")(replace - string"$""]]$")(replace - string"(replace - string" & ""]] & ")(replace - string" ""]]verb +  + ")(replace - string"""]]verb + +")(replace - string"""]]verb + +")(replace - string"
""]]verb +]] + ")(replace - string"""]]")(replace-string"""]]")(replace - string" < ""]]verb + < + ")(replace - string" > ""]]verb + > + ")(replace - string"]]""
")));;Nowaddtheindentationcommandsandput(...)aroundthefunctions;(save - restriction(goto - char(point - min))(search - forward"$\displaystyle \C$ - V"(point - max)nil1)(backward - char2)(narrow - to - region(point - min)(dot))(goto - char(point - min))(insert"
section*Functions$\displaystyle \n$""
begindescription$\displaystyle \n$")(while(search - forward"$\displaystyle \C$ - F"(point - max)t1)(delete - char - 2)(insert"$\displaystyle \n$
sf (")(end - of - line1)(insert"...)]")(search - forward"$\displaystyle \C$ - "(point - max)nil1)(delete - char - 1))(insert"
enddescription$\displaystyle \n$"))(insert"
begindescription$\displaystyle \n$")(while(search - forward"$\displaystyle \C$ - V"(point - max)t1)(delete - char - 2)(insert"$\displaystyle \n$
sf")(end - of - line1)(insert"]")(search - forward"$\displaystyle \C$ - "(point - max)nil1)(delete - char - 1))(insert"
enddescription$\displaystyle \n$""